Monday, March 16, 2015

Live Your Life to the Fullest!

How might you do that? Well, to begin, live each day to the fullest. I believe that it is important to do this. You don't want to be on your deathbed looking over your life and thinking how much time you wasted, how many days could have been spent doing something that will have eternal value, how many foolish arguments you got into. What will matter? When your life ends, you will go either to heaven (I hope and pray that's where you will go) or hell. Both places are just as real. One place is perfect, forever with the One who made you. The other will be a torturous place separated from anything good. So, it is important to live each day to the fullest. Strive to honor God and do what he commands in His word. How do you know what he wants you to do? Simple. Read the Bible. Just like when you buy a new I-phone or a kitchen appliance they come with an instruction manual, the Christian walk comes with one too. The Bible, God's holy words. In it is everything that we need to know to live how He wants us to. Live each day to the fullest. Don't argue over foolish things or let selfishness rule you. Honor God. He loves you and want you to love him back. Will you? So, live each day to the fullest as you honor and love God.



  1. This is such a great reminder. Thank's so much for posting!!

    1. Your welcome! Thanks for staying faithful to the blog even though we haven't really posted anything. I hope to get it rolling a little faster now!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Faith!

      Btw, do you have a blog?

    2. No, not yet anyway. I'm considering (and praying about!) starting one. Is it hard? How long does each post take you? Can I do if from my iPad?

    3. No. It depends. Yes.

      So, it is very easy to start one. I use blogger for mine.

      It depends on how long of a post you want to do. The longest part is simply writing it up.

      It can be done from an I-pad. I would just recommend using the blogger app. Also the keyboard is harder to use so it may take longer.

      Let me know if you start one!

  3. Thanks! I'll definitely let you know if I start on. I've been praying about it and asked some friends of mine to do the same. :)
